Document workflow

Nowadays, when accelerated digitization is a fact, document workflow is a necessity. Manage the information and documents flow in your company in a structured way.

How does it work?

Thanks to Archee Flow you can reduce time, costs and mistakes associated with the processing of documents. Automate repetitive work and boost your colleagues’ creativity.

Workflow engine

A flexible information flow architecture, without diving into papers or e-mails? It's possible!

Take control over the flow of documents and get an access to the information database from anywhere in the world. Thanks to easy-to-use automations and real-time notifications, you always stay in a loop. Having a clear visibility of tasks’ status you can monitor the progress, boost performance and forget about unproductivity in business.

Always updated

E-mail notifications and automatically generated text messages about the status of tasks make cooperation smoothly. Thanks to automatically assigned tasks no one gets lost.

Archee Flow also communicates with third-party systems and monitors communication with external parties, so you are always up to date!

Integrating existing systems

Our solution can communicate with other systems, both in terms of downloading existing data and entering data within Archee Flow to any ERP system, e.g. SAP, Microsoft Dynamics or IFS. Forget about data rewriting, duplicates and data discrepancies. Thanks to the connection additional work can be eliminated.

Our integration mechanisms are easy to configure, but also secure.

Full transparency and auditability

Get full transparency and visibility into the workflow. Organized archive and history of changes offers you the opportunity to identify bottlenecks in the process. You will be able to increase effectiveness, transparency and auditability.

Finally, you also improve the accuracy of business decisions due to quick access to information resources collected in the system.


Finance and accounting
  • Proceeding cost invoices
  • Budget planning
  • Settlement with suppliers and service providers
  • Holidays’ requests
  • Business trip accounting, expenditure and reimbursement
  • Recruitment and onboarding
  • Timesheet reports
  • Employees’ evaluations
  • Bonuses’ settlement
  • Helpdesk
  • Systems’ and resources’ register
  • Task management
  • Helpdesk
  • Complaint handling
  • Audits and quality management
  • Task management
Purchasing and sales processes
  • Supplier Management
  • Purchases settlement
  • Offer management

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